On-line Simulation and Traffic Forecast: Applications and Results

R. Chrobok, A. Pottmeier, S. Marinosson, and M. Schreckenberg (Germany)


On-line Simulation, Cellular Automaton, Forecast, Information Analysis, Real-time Systems, Traffic Data


We study an approach to forecast vehicular traffic using a micro-simulator. In order to provide network-wide in formation about the current traffic state a cellular automa ton traffic flow model is combined with measured data. The framework is applied to the freeway network of North Rhine-Westphalia, where data from about 3,500 loop detec tors are available and provided on-line minute by minute. Further, heuristics based on the statistical analysis of his torical data are developed. Combining these methods and the results obtained we present an Internet application. This can provide the traffic information given by the on-line sim ulation such as travel times and the current traffic state for a broad public.

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