Mobile Agent-based Platform Supports to E-Market Place

Y.H. Wang, S.-W. Kao, and H.-Y. Chang (Taiwan)


Agent, Mobile agent, Aglet, E-commerce, Authentication, asymmetric cipher


Due to the popularization of Internet and World Wide Web (WWW), the limitation of distance and region are broken for business behaviors. At same time, E Commerce becomes one of the most important applications on Internet. E-Commerce can help a company or enterprise to extend its trading area to unlimited space. Some techniques and facilities are proposed to enhance E-Commerce applications. Agent technique is one of the important technologies developed to support the Internet applications. Especially, the Internet and WWW technologies broken the limitation of space of enterprise marketing, and the agent techniques solve the problems of temporality. Because of when the users are off-line, the agents are still active in the world of computer network and play the role of their users. In this paper, agents and mobile agents mechanism are proposed for electronic marketplaces. There are some researching issues will be discussed. They include the platform of mobile agents, the types and classifications of agents and mobile agents, authentication and security facilities, and so on. Based on this architecture of E marketplace, the applications of E-commerce will be more effective, easier to develop, and more creating the marketing of business.

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