A New Web-based Collaborate Learning Framework based on Java and XML

S.M. Kim and D.J. Hwang (Korea)


Collaboraion works, 3-tier client/server system, XML, JAVA, Simulation


Recently, many users use Internet and its applications for education and information retrieval. However, up to date education through Internet is only one-way from server to user, not two-way. It is limited to share information and effect of education. This paper proposes a Web-based education framework named VLAB (Virtual LAB), with the purpose of real-time collaboration works. For collaborative work, it is really important to provide information- sharing methods for participants. VLAB is learning framework, which is based on XML using JAVA technology and structure of 3-Tier client/server system. It is easy to share information through XML data and learn through simulation. The existing web-based collaborative works don’t use XML document. It means that teachers upload the lecture note (.ppt, .doc, etc) on server, and then students are just downloading these files. But in the VLAB circumstance using XML documents, students don’t have to wait for download files. The full framework consists of client system, server system and XML data. The design and implementation architecture shows from 3-Tier client/server to distance learning system in this paper.

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