Building a Universal Teleworking Environment using Web Services

I. Braun and A. Schill (Germany)


Telework, Web Services, Collaborative Systems,Cooperation in Heterogeneous Systems


Working in the information society is undergoing radical changes. Multimedia and telematics based tools and content services are widely considered as central ingredients for evolving new ways and means of working. Teleworking is the key to a more flexible design of working time and places of work. To reach the flexibility for working anywhere and anytime a virtual working environment is needed which is reached from any place having a browser and internet access, at home, on the road or in the office. This document first describes a set of requirements for teleworking services. These requirements are intended to guide the development of a reference architecture and provide a set of measurable constraints on implementations by which conformance can be determined. In the second part a short overview of the technology of Web Services is given and the possibilities of using Web Services to build a teleworking environment are presented.

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