Electronic Supply Chain Management in the Supplier Networks of the Automotive Industry: An Industry-specific Solution on Its Way to Becoming a European Standard

W. Sihn and F. Gehr (Germany)


Supply Chain Integration, e-SCM, auto motive supplier network, network organization, information and communication platform, pilot implementation, project coordination and transfer.


The endeavors of the automotive industry lead currently all into one direction: The optimization of the complete supply chain, to achieve shorter order-to-delivery times. Both, the OEMs as well as the suppliers have realized that they have to cooperate to attain the defined results. How ever, the research work shouldn’t end at the moment the savings are reached, but it should be taken as a standard reference which can be transferred into other supply chains. The following paper describes the collaboration of a proj ect consortium, consisting of OEMs, logistic service pro viders and suppliers, which are working together to opti mize the processes and to achieve maximal transparency. You will learn which tools were necessary and what re sults were found due to the use of e-supply chain man agement

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