Knowledge Components of a Decentralized Expert Platform

R. Marcjan, M. Kisiel-Dorohinicki, B. Śnieżyński, G. Dobrowolski, and E. Nawarecki (Poland)


multi-agent systems, expert systems, knowledge components, ontology


The paper presents an agent-based platform dedicated for the development of decentralised systems providing expert services. At conceptual (virtual) level such a system may be treated a set of knowledge components, which may be integrated only if knowledge of any com ponent may be accessed via ontology known to the oth ers. At physical (real) level the framewotk conforms to FIPA specifications, which should allow for interoper ability between heterogeneous agents (built on diffrent platforms, using its own knowledge representation and reasoning strategy, etc.). Realisation of the proposed architecture (FIPA-DES– FIPA-Compliant Decentralised Expert System) is based on JADE platform and the description of prototypical application for casting defects diagnosis conclude the work.

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