Influence of Emotions on Cognition, a Study based on Neural Networks Synchronization

D. Puzenat and C. Gattet (France)


Cognitive Science, Emotions, Simulation


A cognitive task, even simple, is the result of the inter action of several neural networks performing sub-tasks. Neural networks work in parallel on some sub-tasks, and sequentially on other sub-tasks. Thus, network in teraction implies synchronization and the use of buffers (working memory), e.g. to store the output of a neural network while waiting the output of an other network, if both outputs are needed as an input for a third network. The goal of this article is to study a cognitive science hy pothesis: the influence of emotions on the synchroniza tion of neural networks can explain the observed influ ence of emotions on cognition. Our work is based on a computer-based simulation and results confirm an exper iment on humans.

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