Multisensor Multitarget Tracking for Airport Simulation

M. Brunet and M. Adelantado (France)


airport modelling and simulation, data fusion, tracking


The French Aeronautics and Space Research Center (ONERA) has developed, in the framework of a R&D project called “Airport of the Future”, an airport modelling and simulation infrastructure in order to experiment and validate some solutions to maintain an average level of aircraft movements in all weather conditions. The infrastructure, based on the High Level Architecture (HLA), is currently built by integrating a set of existing or newly designed simulators. Each simulator specialises in a different component of the simulated airport system. A critical issue of the system is how to manage the numerous data provided by the various sensor simulators. After a brief description of the airport modelling and simulation platform, this paper focuses on the specification of a data fusion simulator based on a decentralised multisensor multitarget tracking algorithm.

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