Estimation of Subjective Impressions and Characteristics Extraction of Arm Motion in Dancing

S. Kamisato and K. Hoshino (Japan)


subjective impression, motion characteristics, Okinawan folk dance “Kachaasii”, principal component analysis, multiple regression analysis


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between physical motion characteristics and the subjective impressions produced in dancing. Motions of Okinawan folk dance "Kachaasii" were used for the experiment, because the dancers can produce various kinds of movement with no regular rules of operation, which suggests that the structures of subjective impressions for dance motions are not limited, and that quantitative analyses are easily adoptable to in the frequency or time domain. Questionnaires with adjectives and adverbs for subjective estimation were the target for principal component analysis. Response variables were each principal component scores which are equivalent to subjective impressions, and explanatory variables were kinematic features of arm's movement in multiple regression analysis.

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