A Hierarchical Mobile Multicast Protocol with Mobility Prediction Scheme using Aggregated Mobility History

T.-S. Kim and K.-H. Lee (Korea)


Mobile communication, multicast, group communication, routing, mobility prediction


One of the problems in handoff procedure of mobile multicast communication is that the efficient multicast path establishment is not easy without any special mechanism. If handoff procedure can be treated ahead of handoff event for candidate MSS(s) of mobile host to establish the new efficient path for multicast data transmission, mobile users can get good quality service with minimum handoff transition time. In order to provide good quality service to mobile hosts, we have proposed an efficient hierarchical architecture for multicast in mobile computing environment and functionality of each level. Active and passive path concepts in order to handle frequent handoff are introduced. Also we proposed mobility prediction mechanism for efficient mobility management and resource reservation. Thus we found out an efficient solution that MSS joins multicast group on behalf of mobile host like an agent. With active and passive path concept and proper reservation period, it has been achieved to reduce waste of network bandwidth and transition time in handoff procedure.

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