The Use of Load Flow Algorithms for Modelling a Zone Substation Statcom

C.R. Ozansoy, A. Zayegh, R. Coulter, and A. Kalam (Australia)


Controller design, load flow, MATLAB, STATCOM,ULTC, voltage regulation.


Modern power systems, which have several generating plants and an extremely high number of customers, employ a variety of transmission and distribution voltages. They have a number of interconnection and distribution points through which the electric energy is transmitted or delivered. At any point where a range of voltage level is required, transformer or/and static compensators can be used. Transformers and static compensators are used for voltage regulation at different points in the transmission system with static compensator being seen as the more economical and faster approach. In this paper, modeling of a zone substation Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) using load flow algorithms and the coordination of Under-Load Tap Changing (ULTC) transformer tap changing with the STATCOM for voltage regulation needs will be studied. The main aim is to develop and apply a numerical MATLAB model for a real substation STATCOM with controller algorithms in order to demonstrate the effects coordinating the ULTC transformer with the STATCOM.

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