Reactive Compensation of High Voltage Transmission Grids using a Magnetically Controlled Variable Reactor

W. Sulkowski and Ø.Q. Nilssen (Norway)


Power transmission, power quality, FACTS, reactive power compensation, variable inductor, simulation


Power grids need robust devices capable of controlling and compensating reactive power flow. During the last years, a few current controlled reactor concepts (CCR) have emerged (also called magnetically controlled reactors - MCR). Combined with fixed capacitors, this type of reactors can constitute a complete compensation equipment and eliminate thyristor controlled reactors (TCRs) and thyristor switched capacitors (TSC), which generates high harmonic distortion. This paper evaluates the possibility of replacing TCRs with variable inductance shunt reactors, in conventional SVC plants attached to the high voltage transmission grid at transformer stations. The results of the case study simulations are shown. For the case of studying, a given transmission grid with specified power flow requirements and an SVC compensation plant of a given capacity, is used. Building a standard π-shaped line model using PSpice, an equivalent to the given grid and a substituted compensation plant is approximated. The results are subsequently simulated in PSpice.

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