Reliability Enhancement in Power Systems using Facts Devices

M.R. Haghifam, M. Rasoulzadeh, R. Keypour, G. Khoshkholg, and A. Arjomand (Iran)


Power System Reliability, FACTS, Phase Shifter, Static Var Compensator


This paper examines the impact of FACTS controllers on bulk power system reliability. In this application, the Static Var Compensator (SVC) is employed to generate reactive power and stabilize voltage. Phase Shifter (PST) is used to adjust the natural power sharing of two different parallel transmission lines for utilizing the maximum capacity of the lines. For measuring improvement in reliability, a method using a load duration curve for each load bus and an enumeration process has been applied to obtain expected values of energy not supplied (EENS), power not supplied (EPNS) and duration of load curtailment (EDLC) for each load bus and the whole system, with and without FACTS controllers. The proposed method has been succesfully used for eliability assessment in modified IEEE-RTS with FACTS devices.

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