Underfrequency Protection in Autonomous Island Power Systems: The Case Study of Crete.

E.N. Antonidakis, D.E. Koulouriotis, A. Gigantidou, J. Stefanakis, and C. Tsihlakis (Greece)


Islanded Power Systems, Under frequency Protection, Load Shedding, Distributed Control, Power Units.


In islanded as well as in weekly interconnected power systems frequency security is of high importance. Frequency drops quickly when large portion of generation is lost. In the autonomous power system of Crete load shedding as well as activation of on-line reserve units is applied. In this paper an introduction is presented on the characteristics of the power system of Crete and the settings where load shedding is activated. Case studies that show the response of the system on some events are presented. The amount of load shedding to be performed and the time to be activated is critical and are usually calculated. Controllers have been designed and a different method where distributed control can be used to perform load shedding is been studied.

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