A New Approach to Electric Power System State Estimation Problem

J.B. Carvalho and F.M. Barbosa (Portugal)


Power Systems, Static State Estimation, Parallel Processing, Distributed Processing.


The fast development in electrical power networks and its consequent complexity, impose a more useful state estimation operational scheme. It’s important to short the time interval between consecutive state estimations to allow a closer monitoring of the system evolution, particularly in emergency situations in which the system state changes more rapidly. Technical developments in distributed Energy Management Systems (EMS), based on fast data communication networks, open up the possibility of parallel and distributed implementation of the state estimation function. This paper introduces and discusses some ideas for the implementation of parallel and distributed state estimation in electrical power systems. Will be boarding a solution methodology based on conventional state estimation algorithms applicable in local networks. Some results obtained from IEEE test system are analysed, so that we can appreciate the performances of the proposed method. An evaluation of the degree of natural decoupling in the state estimation problem is also performed, and compared with the results of computational experiments with standard WLS methods, in distributed version.

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