G. Aricò (Italy) and J.H. Weber (The Netherlands)
Coding and Modulation Techniques, Multi-Trial Decoding, Reliability Information, Soft Decision Decoding.
Chase decoders permit flexible use of reliability in formation in algebraic decoding algorithms for error correcting block codes of Hamming distance d. The least complex version of the original Chase algorithms uses roughly d/2 trials of a conventional binary decoder, after which the best decoding result is selected as the final output. On certain channels, this approach achieves asymptotically the same performance as maximum likelihood decoding. In this paper, the performance of Chase-like decoders with even less trials is studied. Most strikingly, it turns out that asymptotically optimal performance can be achieved by a version which uses only about d/4 trials. Furthermore, also the performance at lower signal-to-noise ratios is promising.
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