Study of the Throughput of Wireless Home Automation Network Using the Encapsulation of Two Medium Access Methods

N. Hakem and M. Misson (France)


wireless LAN, Home Automation Networks, CSM/CA, MAC layer.


This paper presents an evaluation of a new solution for wireless home networks. The medium sharing method explored here is based on the encapsulation of two access methods, the first one shares a radio channel between different home networks located in the same area (in a same building for example), the second one resolves the medium access sharing between devices within a given home network. This composite MAC layer using two level of transmitted power allows it to perform to its best. An encapsulation of two negotiation mechanisms has been retained to improve performances and scalability of this kind of Wireless Home Automation Networks (W HAN). The diversity of the solutions in the home networks domain leads us to chose the wired solution of the new “TELEDOMITIS” standard as a premise to develop a generic wireless solution. Our study aims to substitute the wired infrastructure of the TELEDOMOTIS standard by mono-channel radio links in order to take advantage of wireless facilities.

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