An Evaluation of a Cooperative Process Support Environment

A.I. Wang (Norway)


: Workflow, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Software Agents, Comparison, Evaluation, and Software Engineering.


This paper describes an evaluation of process modelling where the same distributed conference organizing process was modelled in three different process centred environments (PCEs) - Endeav ors, ProcessWeb, and our own CAGIS PCE. Endeavors is an activity based, flexible workflow system, ProcessWeb is a role based workflow system with a web-interface, whereas the CAGIS PCE combines an activity based workflow system with a software agent system. The goal of the evaluation was to investigate if a combination of a traditional workflow system and a software agent system is more suitable for modelling, changing and con figuring distributed cooperative processes than stand-alone work flow systems. As far as we know, there exist no similar studies for process centred environments.

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