Using Event Notification Servers to Support Application Awareness

C.R.B. de Souza, S.D. Basaveswara, and D.F. Redmiles (USA)


Cooperative Work Support, Visualization, Event Notification Servers, Awareness


In previous work, we presented a software strategy called CASS (Cross Application Subscription Service) and an accompanying event notification server called CASSIUS (CASS Information Update Server) for supporting awareness. Roughly, awareness refers to the ability to have available, pertinent information about other activities, usually the activities of co-workers. Ongoing work raised the question of how essential the CASSIUS server was to our overall goal of supporting awareness. This present work examines that question through a twofold evaluation (theoretical and practical) of CASSIUS and the event notification servers Elvin and Siena, which are more readily available than CASSIUS. Together, these servers represent a gamut of services, from basic to extended, available among notification servers. Our interest and approach to evaluating the three servers has been very practical. We are concerned with how the services provided make the servers usable to application designers and programmers.

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