Supplying Legacy Applications with QoS: A Description Syntax at Application, End-user and Network Level

A. Thomas (Germany)


QoS, legacy application, end-user, application profile, reverse engineering


In this article we consider end-to-end inter domain Quality of Service support for non QoS-aware appli cations. We present a description of QoS requests resp. offers at two levels: 1- at network level: the so called network service profile, and 2- at application resp. end-user level: the so called application pro file. These profiles support end-to-end and interdo main interworking for legacy applications wether they are QoS-aware or not. The network is QoS enabled and offers guaranteed network services. With the proposed mechanisms (combination of con verters and description syntax at network and appli cation level) it is possible on the one hand to offer user-friendly QoS, and on the other hand to provide a negotiation and description syntax for QoS. Thereby we address the topic of reverse-engineering Internet applications in order to extract the behavior and parameterizations information necessary for the creation of the application profiles.

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