Table Processing based on Attribute Graphs

T. Kirishima, T. Motohashi, K. Tsuchida, and T. Yaku (Japan)


Tables, attribute graphs, editing of tables, XML


Tables with heterogeneous cells are commonly used in human–computer interfaces and in documentation. Editing operations in existing table processing modules often cause unexpected results such as column insertion in WORD. We modeled tables as multi - edged attribute graphs a type of dual graphs. In our model, several operations are naturally formalized such as column insertion [7]. In our model of a table, the nodes of a multi - edged attribute graph correspond to the cells of the table, and there are at most 4n edges, where n is the number of nodes in the graph. In this paper we propose the new algorithm VERTICAL - SPLIT CELL, which operates on multi - edged attribute graphs. The algorithm VERTICAL - SPLIT - CELL changes a multi - edged attribute graph when the indicated cell is split at the specified position. Next we introduce our table - processing system, which is under development as an application that formalizes the graphs and provides a framework for algorithms such as VERTICAL - SPLIT - CELL. We describe the internal representation of our processing system, which is based on the multi - edged attribute graph. We also illustrate a generator of XML source for tables in which the internal representation is applied, and give examples of the display of such tables in a web browser.

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