A Diagram Approach to Automatic Generation of JSP/Servlet Web Applications

K. Jamroendararasame, T. Suzuki, and T. Tokuda (Japan)


Web application, JSP, Java servlet


We defined diagrams called Web transition diagrams to rep resent overall behavior of Web applications. Using these diagrams, we can generate server program type Web ap plications such as CGI-based Web applications, and server page type Web applications such as ASP-based Web appli cations. The purpose of this paper is to design Web transi tion diagrams to represent wider class of Web applications based on JavaServer Pages (JSP)/Servlet architecture. Then we present an automatic generation method of JSP/Servlet Web applications from these diagrams. We implement a software system called T-Web system which enables Web application designers to visually compose Web transition diagrams and generate Web applications from these dia grams without any manual programming. T-Web system can generate both HTML-based Web pages and XML based Web pages for Web applications. Generated Web applications support standard level of security against at tacks, the use of HTTP cookies, user authentication, and session management.

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