Rigorous and Automatic Testing of Web Applications

X. Jia and H. Liu (USA)


web applications, formal specifications, software testing, XML


As web applications become more and more prevalent, the quality assurance of web applications has become more and more important. Due to the complexity of the underlying technologies of web ap plications, it is more challenging to test web applica tions than conventional software. It is critical to de velop effective methodologies and tools for testing web applications. In this paper, we propose an approach for rigorous and automatic testing of web applications using formal specifications. Our formal specification based approach is powerful, extensible, and versatile. It intends to address testing of various aspects of web applications, including functionality, security, and per formance. We have developed a prototype tool based on the proposed approach, which accepts formal spec ifications in XML syntax as input, automatically gen erates test cases, executes the test cases and validates the test results.

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