An Adaptive Security Mechanism based on Dynamic Instruction Customization

N. Osawa (Japan)


: Security fault tolerance, instructionobfuscation, dynamically customizable virtual machine


An adaptive security mechanism is proposed. It uses a dynamically customizable virtual machine. The proposed mechanism uses the virtual machine to degrade compatibility and portability of a program while conventional virtual machines are usually used to improve the portability. The mechanism enables fine grain protection such as protecting threads from other threads. A program is converted into an obfuscated program that runs on the customized virtual machine whose instructions are sparsely and randomly placed in the instruction set space. The sparse and random placement of instructions in a wide instruction space of the virtual machine enables it to detect and limit illegal access attempts by exploiting security vulnerability. If an illegal access attempt is detected while the obfuscated program is executed on the customized virtual machine, new obfuscation of instructions in a wider instruction space can enhance the security of the system and prevent illegal access.

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