Requirements Engineering for Dynamic Markets

S. Pfeiffer and A. Eberlein (Canada)


Software Requirements, Software Engineering, Time-To-Market, Dynamic Markets


Time-to-market has become more and more critical for software development projects. Thus, the time available for requirements engineering is drastically reduced and at the same time, the requirements are subject to frequent changes due to fast and fierce competition. Whoever re leases a product containing the most valuable features first will profit the most. This paper reviews the current state of the art in the field of requirements engineering for dynamic markets regarding traditional as well as the so called agile methodologies. Methodologies that promise cycle time reduction as well as approaches that address changing requirements are reviewed. This review is going to be the basis for further research that will focus on two main aspects: The first one is the integration of change management methodologies into rapid application devel opment processes or more generally, tying both speed and proper change management together. The second aspect is concerned with agile methodologies and their applica bility for different kinds of projects. The possibility for developing a framework for facilitating the choice of a suitable (agile) methodology or the tailoring of an exist ing one shall be investigated.

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