Implementation and Validation of UPnP for Embedded Systems in a Home Networking Environment

T. Tranmanh, L.M.G. Feijs, and J.J. Lukkien (The Netherlands)


home networking, embedded system, UPnP, service discovery.


Devices in a home environment are often equipped with general purpose network connections. There is an increasingly strong requirement that these devices cooperate in an autonomous fashion by using the functionality they nd on the network. In the context of home networking several standard technologies have been proposed for this purpose of which Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is an example. This article presents a way to implement a UPnP Application Programming Interface (API) to build UPnP applications on top of it. We also give a validation of the chosen architectural model and of the positive and negative points of UPnP in applying it for the given context.

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