A Context-aware Personal Communication System in Ubiquitous Environments

E. Kamioka, S. Yamada, and K. Yamazaki (Japan)


Ubiquitous computing, Communication reachability, Context-aware, SIP, 3GPP


We have proposed environment-adaptive personal communications (EAPEC) in ubiquitous computing environments. In this paper, we will discuss some technical issues about the EAPEC, such as how to design the system architecture, how to automatically capture communication context and control personal communications with the context. We will also present a quantitative method to evaluate personal communication reachabilities and show how the EAPEC improves the reachabilities. The EAPEC automatically captures communication context about the users, selects the most appropriate service and receiver’s device based on the communication context, converts the service into the selected one and forwards the converted service to the receiver.

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