A Connector for TeMIP: Accessing Network Management Data from J2EE

R.J.F. Lopes Pereira and T. Vazão (Portugal)


System Integration, Network Management, Java Connector Architecture, Integrated Network Management Platform


The increasing size, heterogeneity and complexity of communication networks have prompted many companies to invest in Integrated Network Management Platforms (INMP). These applications concentrate all tasks related to network management. But information found in other applications, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Costumer Relationship Management (CRM) and workflow applications can be very useful if effective service management is to be achieved. Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) provided a basis for developing applications that integrate data from several sources and drive these sources. JCA connectors are available for most of the major Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) and INMP provide a single point of access to network elements. This paper presents a JCA connector for the Compaq Telecommunications Management Information Platform (TeMIP) INMP.

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