Seamless Call Transfer between Cellular (GSM) and Enterprise (VOWLAN) Networks

D. Jayaram and N. Sreenivasulu (India)


Seamless Call Transfer, WLAN, VoW LAN, GSM, RAT, MS, RSSI, Ec/I0


: This paper presents Seamless Voice Call Transfer mechanism between WLAN, (covering enterprises and University campuses etc) and cellular network (GSM). Smooth handoff has been achieved with the help of dual mode Mobile Station (MS), which comprises of two Radio access Technologies (RAT), one for WLAN and the other for GSM. This multimode architecture enables the hand set to keep track of signals from both the networks and decision will be taken to handover to the other network based on the measurements of Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) in case of GSM and Ec/Io (Energy per chip Ratio) value in case of WLAN. We are also considering the design support of Voice Over WLAN (VoWLAN) and proposing Seamless Call Transfer algorithm by suggesting optimum threshold values for zero call drop rates and maximum coverage area, where users can utilize the WLAN network resources to the best possible extent.

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