Transmitting H.264 Video Traffic over SPLIT Protocol - A Simulation Study

N.K. Chilamkurti and B. Soh (Australia)


H.264, Multimedia, SPLIT, NS-2.


In this paper we study our multicast protocol (SPLIT) in conjunction with a new video coding technique known as H.264. H.264 codec (Encoder and Decoder) is chosen as it has 50% bit rate savings compared to MPEG-4. In our study using the simulator NS-2, we modify the H.264 encoder/decoder to incorporate a couple of new functions. In the simulation, we investigate the behaviour of SPLIT using layer subscription, with a view to illustrating the importance of priority RED queue using queue occupancy with video traffic and TCP traffic. To analyse the video quality, we use PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and video jitter measurements. Our experiments show that not only can SPLIT co-exist with video traffic without degrading the video quality it is also easiy scalable.

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