Does Instant Messaging Usage Impact Students' Performance in Kuwait?

K. Rouibah and H. Hamdy (Kuwait)


Instant messaging adoption, compatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, curiosity, usage, prior similar experience, impact of instant messaging


The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) predicts whether users will use technologies based upon causal relationships among beliefs and attitudinal constructs that influence usage behavior. Instant Messaging (IM) is a collaborative technology available for use to virtually all people around the globe. This study applies TAM to assess the acceptance and voluntary usage of this technology and its impact on 609 students at Kuwait University. Two cultural variables, namely curiosity and compatibility, and a technical variable, prior similar experience, were included in the model besides perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). The results validate TAM, although it shows some slightly differences compare to what it has been established in the North America. The findings suggest that PU has no effect while PEOU plays the most important role on IM acceptance. Results also indicate that cultural variables (curiosity and compatibility) affect IM acceptance that is more associated with negative impact on students. Paper discusses these issues and point to perspectives of the study.

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