The Palindrome Scheduler Scheme Provides Enhanced Service Efficiency of Real and Non Real-Time Streams

J. Tsiligaridis and R. Acharya (USA)


Quality of Service, Scheduling, Resource Management, priority queue


The problem of the service of many streams with arrival priorities, priority queues and deadlines is considered. The multidimensional structure of the Palindrome Scheduler Scheme (PSS) that primarily (first level) consists of the Palindrome Scheduler (PS) and secondly (second level) of the Compound Round Robin (CRR), the Increasing Weight Algorithm (IWA), and the Service Priority Weight Adjustment (SPWA) algorithm facilitates the scheduler’s decision making in regards to the order of the flow’s service and the weight adjustment for both types of streams. The PS works both alone as a timestamp server and with CRR, IWA, and SPWA as a frame server. The PS, selecting the next flow to be serviced in a novel and intelligent way, avoids the sorting priority operation and the “empty times”. The PSS can provide backup of bandwidth (with a feedback mechanism) which may be provisionally used either for the service of large size packets using the CRR or for the acceleration of the service of real-time packets (if needed) using the IWA so that it can meet their deadlines. The complexity of PSS is O(1). Conditions of the operation of the system are examined. Simulation experiments are provided.

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