Virtual Hardware for 3rd Generation Medium Access Control Protocol

M. Unhawiwat, S. Sae-Wong, and S. Kamolphiwong (Thailand)


3G wireless network consists of a Radio Access Network (RAN) and a core network. The core network consists of a packet-switched domain and circuit-switched domain.The packet-switched doman,3G serving GPRS Support Node (SGSNs) and Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSNs), provides the same functionality that it provide in a GPRS system. The circuit-switched domain, 3G Mobile Services Switching Centre (MSC) is used for switching of voice calls. The Radio Access Network consists of new network el


UE and UTRAN will be emulated by Ethernet link through Layer management suite (LMS)[9]. All signals (primitives) will be processed in real-time. However, we test our virtual hardware in a case of voice communication. It does not still support multimedia services. In this paper, virtual hardware of 3rd Generation (3G) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol has been developed to provide a core-based for testing higher layers (datalink layer) without using a real hardware.Virtual hardware is connected with others protocol stack in datalink layer through Layer management suite (LMS). Virtual hardware creates requested connections from User Equipment (UE) and sends control commands and data through the UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN) side without using a real hardware. So, UTRAN and UE hardware is emulated by the 3G virtual hardware. This will give us more flexibility than using real hardware components, e.g. hardware modification. All communication channels pass through MAC layer between UE and UTRAN will be emulated by Ethernet link. All signals and data are processed in real-time. We have shown with real testing that virtual hardware give more benefits in protocol stack development. This paper is organized as follows: Next section will describe some details of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) or 3G wireless network, which is related to our research issue. Virtual hardware architecture for 3G is presented in section 3. Section 4 describes test scenario for voice communication. Interface between virtual hardware and real physical layer will describe in section 5.We conclude our paper in the section 6. 2. The 3rd Generation Wireless Network Architecture 2.1. UMTS Network Architecture

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