A Near Optimum Detector for Block Data Transmission System

F. Ghani (Malaysia)


Data Transmission, Equalizer, Mobile Communication, Fading channels.


This paper presents the development of a Near Optimum Detector (NOD) for the Block Data Transmission System (BDTS) that is suitable for transmission of digital data over fading time-dispersive channels such as high signaling rate HF channel, mobile radio channel, indoor wireless etc. The optimum detection process for the BDTS that has the lower bounds for the probability of error is found to be computationally intensive for practical block sizes. The NOD developed in this paper is a simple extension of the Linear Block Equalizer (LBE) proposed earlier, and can be realized adaptively using simple equipment. The performance of the NOD is compared with that of the LBE, and the optimum system for different values of the channel distortion that includes both the amplitude and phase distortions. It is found that for severe amplitude distortions the performance of the NOD is much better than that of the LBE and as expected inferior to that of the optimum system.

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