A Cluster based Energy Aware Routing Protocol for Sensor Networks

G. Lee, J. Kong, and O. Byeon (Korea)


Sensor networks, energy efficient routing, and cluster based routing


Energy efficient routing is one of the most important key technologies in wireless sensor networks because sensor nodes are energy constrained seriously. To solve energy constrained problem in wireless sensor network field, many routing protocols have been proposed; especially, cluster based routing protocols have many advantages such as reducing control messages, bandwidth reusability, enhanced resource allocation, and improved power control. Some protocols use location information of sensor nodes efficiently to construct clusters. However, it is difficult that all sensor nodes know their own positions owing to cost. In this paper, we propose base station controlled energy-efficient routing protocol cluster-based for sensor networks. Our protocol does not use location information of sensor nodes. Instead, it uses both information of total energy of the sensor network and the desirable number of cluster heads according to circumstance of the sensor network. Our protocol shows more improvement than low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) in performance evaluation.

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