Model-based Development of Real Time Systems using RTSM Tool

E. Kazanavicius, A. Liutkevicius, A. Vrubliauskas, R. Zukaitis, and V. Kazanavicius (Lithuania)


RTS modeling and simulation, model-based development.


In this paper we propose an approach for model-based development of real time systems using component-based modeling, where system model is described as a set of interconnected software (and hardware) components. The direct execution of such model on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) eliminates implementation step and increases portability. In this paper we present a Real Time System Modeling (RTSM) tool for model-based development of real time systems. This tool is dedicated for the design, simulation, model execution and control of real time systems (RTS). RTSM increases efficiency of RTS development process. We present the requirements for such type of the modeling system and discuss the basic parts of the system and their functionality as well.

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