MOFCOM: A Tool for Model-based Software Development

Z. László and T. Sulyán (Hungary)


Round-trip engineering, Metaprogramming, MOF, Compiler compiler


Instead of the source code level, improving and maintaining the program code is more efficient when performed on model level. In case the program model is not available, it has to be created from the source code. After the required modifications in the model new source code is created. To a certain extent, CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools are supporting this kind of round-trip engineering process, but in those cases both model elements and accepted source codes are fixed, and modelers can not modify the modeling process. Authors aimed to create a development infrastructure, where the components can be generated by the modeler using the infrastructure. Based on the meta-level description of their task to be performed, components can be automatically generated using meta-compilers, and meta-generators. In the present article authors introduce the infrastructure and its main features, and the prototype system created.

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