A Visual Language for the Description of Algorithmic Semantics

Y. Watanobe, N.N. Mirenkov, and R. Yoshioka (Japan)


Visual Language, Algorithmic Semantics, Software Components


A visual language for the description of algorithmic seman tics in software components is presented. The algorithmic semantics is defined through a set of features of data which can be used as input and output of algorithmic interface of the component. These features include spatial and tem poral aspects, as well as possible relations between units of the data. The language, based on a set of icons and special visual constructs, allows to describe these features. Each description is performed within a standardized format structure where positions possess some levels of predifined meaning. In this paper, we focus on presenting this structure and icons to specify spatial/temporal features of data units and their mathematical/physical relations. We also discuss how algorithmic semantics can be used for searching software components and their reusability.

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