Advanced Multimedia Management - Control Model and Content Adaptation

T. Guenkova-Luy, A. Schorr, F. Hauck (Germany), M. Gómez (Spain), C. Timmerer (Austria), I. Wolf (Germany), and A. Kassler (Sweden)


MPEG-21 DIA, SDP, SDPng, QoS, content adaptation, media gateways


The delivery and adaptation of multimedia content in dis tributed and heterogeneous environments requires flexible control and management mechanisms in terminals and in control entities inside the network. In the near future, it is important to reach interoperability between the IETF ap proaches on multimedia session establishment and control and the MPEG-21 efforts for multimedia streaming and adaptation to bring advanced multimedia service provi sioning and adaptation services towards the customer. MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) provides norma tive descriptions for supporting adaptation of multimedia content, but does not define interactions with transport and control mechanisms. On the other hand, the IETF standardization efforts on multimedia session control pro vide the necessary transport (e.g. RTP) and control mechanisms (SDP/SDPng). We thus bridge the gap be tween those approaches by creating a converged XML model that enables the integration of session management and negotiation protocols (e.g. SIP or Megaco) inspired by the XML formats of MPEG-21 DIA and SDPng. We also present preliminary implementation results of the con verged model along with concepts and implementation of network-based content adaptation mechanisms through media gateways that enable flexible multimedia manage ment for heterogeneous consumer terminals.

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