Spatio-Temporal UML Methodology: Extending and Integrating Existing Object-Oriented Methods to Develop Spatio-Temporal Databases

M. Svinterikou (Greece) and P. Kanaroglou (Canada)


spatial temporal databases, UML modeling, UML extensions, software system development


Object-oriented methods seem to handle well the complexity associated with developing spatio-temporal software systems. In recent years, a growing number of software systems are being developed within the object oriented paradigm. This paper presents the extension and integration of existing methods to provide an object oriented methodology that facilitates the development of spatio-temporal software systems. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is extended with spatial and temporal semantics to allow the effective modeling of a spatio temporal database during the analysis phase of software development. ArcInfo UML, that is, the Unified Modeling Language extended by ArcInfo structures, is used to facilitate the modeling of a system during the design phase. ArcInfo is used as the implementation platform of the spatio-temporal database. A UML CASE tool (Microsoft Visio) will be used during analysis, design and ArcInfo database schema generation. Development will be lead by the Spatio-temporal UML process, that is, the Booch process extended to address spatial and spatiotemporal concerns.

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