An Implementation Method of a Heterogeneous Associative Media Data Search for Music Data and Image Data

T. Nakanishi and T. Kitagawa (Japan)


Heterogeneous associative media data search, Human sen sitivity, Kansei, Media data, Image data, Music data


This paper presents an implementation method of a hetero geneous associative media data search for music data and image data. It is important to realize a multimedia system which operates and integrates various kinds of multimedia data systematically in the framework of human sensitiv ity “Kansei.” One of the important issues is a realization of media search corresponding to human sensitivity “Kan sei” with less difficulty for a user. This method is real ized using media-lexicon transformation operator, mathe matical model of meaning, and Kansei operator. Media lexicon transformation operator can extract of the impres sion words which corresponds to impressions of media data. Mathematical model of meaning can measure of the relation of each word extracted from this operator. The Kansei operator is used to adjust the expression with the in terpretation of human sensitivity by the logarithm function based on Fechner’s law. This method can realize integra tion between each existing media data only by implement ing mechanism to convert into words from media data in each media. The feature of this method is a realization of integration between music data and image data.

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