Towards Analyzing UML Class Diagram Models to Object-Relational Database Systems Transformations

E.S. Grant, R. Chennamaneni, and H. Raza (USA)


UML,SQL,Oracle®,object-relationaldatabase,modeltransformation. 503-034


In object-oriented development, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the de facto modeling language and is supported by major corporations. In relational database development, though entity-relationship models have traditionally been used to modeling such systems. It is acknowledged that relational database management systems need a better representation of the real world than that obtained with entity-relationship models. Object oriented modeling is an effective mechanism for representing real-world structures. UML supports object oriented technologies, thus it can be used for object relational database modeling. There are many techniques for transforming UML models to object-relational database systems. While no one technique has emerged as a leader, it is reasonable to expect that one technique may be more suitable than others, when applied to the same problem. Assessment of the current techniques’ strengths and weaknesses would aid developers in selecting a technique that is more applicable to the problem under consideration. In this work, we compared and evaluated two techniques for transforming UML class diagram models to object oriented relational databases. This analysis also aids in the standardization and wider use of the technology.

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