Model Development of High-Frequency Phenomena in Nanocrystalline Copper Conductors

M. Trzaska and Z. Trzaska (Poland)


Model development, electrocrystalization, nanocrystal line conductor, copper conductor, skin effect


This paper discusses local geometry of the Fermi sur face and its effects on high-frequency phenomena in nanocrystalline copper conductors. Basic morphologies and geometric characteristics of grain structures are dis cussed. In particular the authors show and explain the relationship between the grain shapes of the copper conductors and their producing process conditions. It is shown that nanocrystalline copper conductors exhibit much more stronger skin effects then usual polycrys talline materials. The Fermi surface determines the be haviour of the mobile electrons in the metal, and thus affects the metal's electrical conductivity and the re sponse to electromagnetic fields. The temperature de pendence of the electrical conductivity of cylindrical nanocrystalline copper conductors is investigated. After an introductory chapter reviewing the electron-liquid theory of metals the discussion turns to techniques use ful in analyzing properties of real Fermi surfaces, which are rarely spherical. In subsequent chapters these tech niques are applied to a concrete problem such as the anomalous skin effect and the behavior of the Fermi surface in low-dimensional structures. The mean free path λ and the Fermi velocity of the charge carriers in travelling distances between two scattering events on grain boundaries appear as the main factors influencing the important increase in resistance values of nano copper conductors.

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