Modelling and Simulation of a Current-Converter Generated DC Glow Discharge

E.E. Granda-Gutiérrez, R. López-Callejas, R. Peña-Eguiluz, A. Mercado-Cabrera, R. Valencia-Alvarado, S.R. Barocio, O.G. Godoy-Cabrera, A. de la Piedad-Beneitez, J.S. Benítez-Read, and J.O. Pacheco-Sotelo (Mexico)


Modelling, simulation, DC plasma, converter, gas breakdown, glow discharge.


We report on the development of the electrical model and ensuing simulation of a DC high density gas discharge intended to generate plasma capable of implanting ions in divers materials (PIII). The model describes the discharge evolution from its dark stage up to its glow regime, allowing the inclusion of a power source so to simulate the global process, from breakdown to glow. One peculiarity of the model lies in considering the plasma as produced from a controlled current source instead of the usual voltage one. Experimental results coincide to a great extent with the model confirming that the glow discharge can be modeled as a current controlled voltage source.

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