Generation of Hopf Bifurcations WITHIN a Power System Model through Washout Filters

I. Winzenick, S. Heinrich, M. Fette, and J. Horn (Germany)


Power System, Bifurcation, Washout Filter, Hopf--Bifurcation


Nonlinear dynamic incidents are often identified as causes for outages within electric power systems. At worst, they can lead to wide area outages. Recently, several blackouts illustrated the importance of uninterrupted power in a drastic way. It is well known that Hopf bifurcation corresponds to nonlinear oscillation. Due to this, the system can be destabilized at worst. Although Hopf bifurcation can cause problems and usually are unwanted, they can be used to influence the system behavior and their stability. In principle, it is possible to change characteristics of existing bifurcations by “new” Hopf points. Generation of Hopf bifurcation using washout filter is already known. This paper will use the washout filter within power systems in order to generate Hopf bifurcations at arbitrary points. The methods are presented briefly and adopted to a 14-node power system model. Depending on the chosen design parameter the location as well as the dynamic behavior of the generated Hopf bifurcation can be changed. At the end, a brief outlook on projects in progress dealing with control possibilities is given.

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