H.H.S. Ip, Y. Sha, A.W.P. Fok, and S.W. Lee (PRC)
Mobile Learning; PDA; performance monitoring; WEBSAMS.
This paper describes an innovative platform, called the Pocket School that integrates mobile technologies into teaching and learning, and particularly the tracking and monitoring of students performance. Pocket School, exploits the use of personal digital assistance (PDA) to provide mobile and instant graphical display and analysis of students’ learning profiles that include trend analysis and predictive modeling. It also furnishes reports and progress tracks for determining student achievement baselines, and improves the quality of teaching and learning, data-driven decision making and school accountability. Pocket School serves both the school administrators and teachers. We have also highlighted and proposed solutions on specific technical and design issues relating to hand held devices, such as information display on small screen, information security, and the overall system architecture.
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