Simple Evasive Data Storage in Sensor Networks

Z. Benenson, P.M. Cholewinski, and F.C. Freiling (Germany)


Sensor Networks, Evasive Data Storage, Camouflage, Node Capture Problem.


We study a new countermeasure to the well known threat of node capture in sensor networks. A node capture occurs if an adversary completely takes over a sensor node and uses it to spy on the data which is stored and processed within the sensor network. In case this data has some value it needs to be protected from unauthorized access through a security mecha nism. Merely encrypting the data is sufficient to pro tect its contents from eavesdroppers but not from node capture. We present a new approach, namely Evasive Data Storage, that intends to improve security fea tures at the data storage level. The idea of Evasive Data Storage is that data moves around the sensor network instead of remaining at a fixed location. In this way, an adversary, who has once (through node capture) had access to the data stored at some par ticular node, must compromise more sensors in order to maintain his illegitimate access to the sensor data. Through simulation we show that the new notion of Evasive Data Storage effectively decreases the prob ability that the adversary finds the data again even though he knew where the data once resided. Hence Evasive Data Storage offers an interesting possibility to secure data in sensor networks.

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