Analysis on Resource Utilization Patterns of Office Computer

J. Wang, Y. Sun, and J. Fan (PRC)


Resource utilization, office computer, network computer, and virtualization


The high cost but low resources utilization of Wintel based office computers has been a widely concerned problem in the enterprise IT field. There have been several studies on improving the resources utilization and reducing the cost. Although the technologies derived from these studies have been applied to practical office applications, there has been little research on CPU and RAM utilization patterns of office computer. However, this research is the key for both improving existed technologies and designing new architectures to make systems more adapt to office applications. Thus in this paper we address three questions: (1) What are the CPU and RAM utilization patterns of office computer? (2) Based on these patterns, what are the problems of existing technologies? (3) Are there some new technologies that can improve resources utilization even further? We developed a distributed collector to gather information about CPU, RAM, and processes. It was installed on 10 office computers and collected data for two weeks. Based on more than 2500000 samples we characterize CPU and RAM utilization patterns according to which we analyze the problems of existing technologies and present several new technology trends.

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