A Proposal for RSVP Route Updating Methods to Support Mobility of Sender or Receiver

J. Nakajima, S. Kimura, and Y. Ebihara (Japan)


Route Updating, RSVP (Resource ReSerVation Protocol), MobileIP, handoff, Quality of Service, Wireless Networks


Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) is used to con struct a reserved path that ensures a certain level of QoS by establishing and maintaining the reservation state at each node. In mobile networks, however, the reserved path needs to be reconstructed whenever a mobile node handoff occurs. Since the reconstruction procedure takes a long time, multimedia communications may suffer se rious degradation, such as lost packets. To address this problem, MRSVP has been proposed. This involves con structing reserved paths to all locations which may be vis ited, but may also cause a waste of resources. Instead, this paper proposes new route updating methods for the cases of both sender mobility and receiver mobility. In the pro posed methods, a portion of the reserved path in use prior to handoff is reused to construct a new reserved path after handoff. Network simulations show that the number of lost packets and the switching time for the reserved path are reduced from those of the original, “total reconstruction” method, for both cases of sender mobility and receiver mo bility. In addition, the message overheads are lower than those required in MRSVP. These results demonstrate that the proposed methods are effective in maintaining multi media connections in the event of handoff.

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