Sensor Abstraction and Context Delivery Model based on Web Services for Context-Aware Computing

C.-S. Kim, K.-L. Park, C.-I. Choi, and S.-D. Kim (Korea)


Context-Aware Computing, Sensor Abstraction, Context Delivery Model, Web Service


ION AND CONTEXT DELIVERY MODEL BASED ON WEB SERVICES FOR CONTEXT-AWARE COMPUTING Chang-Soon Kim, Kyung-Lang Park, Chang-Ik Choi, and Shin-Dug Kim Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University 134 Shinchon-Dong, Seodaemun-Ku, Seoul Korea {flsoon, lanx, mal0077, sdkim} ABSTRACT Context-aware computing is an emerging technology to provide intelligent services to users. First, one of the most important issues is to devise a unified and standardized interface for various applications. Second, abstracting diverse fabrics in semantics to unified sensor is also important. Although some approaches have been proposed, they are application-specific in nature. Therefore, we propose a sensor abstraction model and a web service based context delivery model which can guarantee the generality. The sensor abstraction model makes a uniform abstract sensor from the diverse fabrics using data representation model and ontology. Besides, sensor/application developers can make any sensor/application faster and easily, because it provides several common functions. Since the context delivery model provides applications with unified and standardized interfaces based on web service, various types of applications could access the abstract sensor easily. We implement all these systems with evaluations. The result shows reasonable performance and also supports the generality at the same time.

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